SUCCESS STORIES10 November, 20223 min read

Caso de éxito: Intress counts on Softeng to modernize its infrastructure in Azure and boost mobile working


Intress (Institute of Social Work and Social Services) is a non-profit association created in 1984, and declared of public utility in 2004 by the Ministry of the Interior, whose mission is to contribute to the promotion, management and improvement of the quality of social welfare services and care for people at risk of social exclusion, with professionalism and commitment.


< 30

days to deploy any solution


cases resolved without the need for referral to Microsoft

< 1%

average turnover of our team of experts

The Azure cloud to drive growth

Currently, Intress manages more than 180 centers and has more than 1,300 users in a mobile work environment. However, their infrastructure was an old desktop system based on a terminal server running on RDS (Remote Desktop Services) which, due to the growth of Intress and the advancement of technology itself, no longer responded efficiently to their current needs and requirements.

What problems can an insufficient and obsolete infrastructure generate?

  • Access difficulties and service interruptions due to saturation in the corporate network and your resources, which entails a significant loss of productivity because users cannot make efficient use of applications and services.
  • High maintenance costs as there are more technical problems that require the IT department to invest more time and resources in maintenance.
  • It increases the security risk because outdated infrastructure can be more vulnerable to potential threats.

Azure Virtual Desktop, an elastic and scalable infrastructure

At Intress, they counted on Softeng, specialists in Azure cloud solutions, to support them in the modernization of their infrastructure, which would allow them to control the user environment and improve the performance of the network and corporate applications.

After analyzing the needs with Softeng, an efficient transition was carried out migrating their workloads from the RDS legacy service to Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), with an agile deployment, without interrupting the service and within the estimated time.

As a result, a Desktop as a Service (DaaS) service has been enabled on an elastic infrastructure with the ability to quickly scale resources up or down automatically, to support workloads based on the demand and the role of the connected user.

On the one hand, the high involvement of the Intress team and, on the other hand, Softeng’s experience in resolving difficulties and unforeseen events quickly and with solvency have been key.


  • An elastic and scalable infrastructure, improving the performance of applications and the user experience.
  • 24/7 continuous availability and service flexibility, generating an increase in user productivity.
  • Increased security of the virtual desktop environment, minimizing the risks of suffering cyberattacks and guaranteeing the protection of sensitive information.
  • Reduced infrastructure and maintenance costs by simplifying the management of the environment and providing more autonomy to the IT team.

Intress’s opinion

We valued Softeng’s expertise and their knowledge of Azure when it came to guiding us throughout the project and facing unforeseen events with agility so as not to slow down timings. In addition, the proximity of their team made us feel well supported.

Miguel Ángel García

Head of Technology at Intress