To carry out an effective Digital Transformation, it is necessary to do it safely, complying with local legislation and specific regulations of the sector, carrying out information governance, and, in turn, maintaining a high level of productivity for users. Corporate information ranges from intellectual property to the economics of the business, going through all the know-how of the company; for this reason it is considered one of the most important resources of any organization. As such, it is also one of the most succulent loot for cybercriminals to either steal or kidnap for hefty financial rewards.

Trying to protect absolutely everything indiscriminately has a negative and direct impact on productivity. Poorly implemented security systems prevent people from working in an agile way or doing it securely only when working from the company, hindering collaboration, mobility and communication. For this reason, it is very important that the security measures that are implemented are effective and that they apply both when working from the office and from home in this new era of hybrid work; but, at the same time, that they do not block the activities carried out by users in their day to day.

In the last digital event of the year we will learn about the possibilities that Microsoft tools offer us to work efficiently and productively, as we have seen in previous events, while protection systems prevent security incidents from being generated. and information leaks. We will also discover the services and characteristics of the platform that will help us keep the information under control while we comply with current legislation and with the regulations that apply to our business sector; and, furthermore, to carry out a good governance of the information and its life cycle.

Event schedule

In this event you will have the opportunity to discover without technicalities:

  • The fundamental role of information in organizations.
  • How to balance information security, compliance, and governance with user productivity.
  • DEMO: Hybrid work, effective, in a strongly protected environment.
  • Question Time.